Beijing Huasheng Metal Materials Co., Ltd.

How Much Tungsten is There on Earth?

Tungsten Mining

The amount of tungsten in the earth's crust is estimated to be 1.5 parts per million, which translates to about 1.5 grams of the metal substance element per ton of rock. Tungsten does not occur as a free metal. It is approximately equivalent to tin or molybdenum (similar to tin or molybdenum) and only half the amount of uranium. China is a major producer of tungsten; in 2016, it produced more than 80% of the total tungsten mined and had nearly two-thirds of the world's reserves. Most of the rest is produced by Vietnam, Russia, Canada and Bolivia.

The damage to the surrounding environment is evident in the mining of metallic minerals such as tungsten, making the process of mining tungsten increasingly costly and difficult to restore the environment.

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